Central Jersey Book Evaluation Group Board
- a division of LibraryLinkNJ
Welcome to our wiki!
Our next Book Evaluation meeting will be held on Friday, February 7 at 9:30 at the Neptune Public Library. If you can't attend the meeting, just post your reviews to the Wiki. Your books are available to be picked up at the Neptune Public Library. If you prefer to have them sent to you via interlibrary loan, please email me at cotten@neptunepubliclibrary.org. Thank you!
The book evaluation form is broken, but you can print the paper form at the sidebar or send it to cjrlcbookeval@yahoo.com.
You can also use this Google form https://forms.gle/5NKapD4pC6LAcfTCA
Also, just a reminder, if the weather is bad you can check our website at neptunepubliclibrary.org or our Facebook page to see if we are closing. If we are open we will have the meeting. If you do not feel it is safe for you to drive due to the weather in your area, then please do not feel obligated to attend. We can still see your reviews here on the Wiki!
*We are no longer able to spell-check or edit the wiki submissions, please either proof-read them carefully or login to edit your submissions.*
In order to bring the Book Evaluation Group and their reviews to a larger audience, we use this wiki to post reviews and communicate with one another. Please use the News and Views page to share any comments, ideas, or questions you may have.
To submit your book reviews please click on Book Review Submission Form.
Fill in the information and click submit! That's it!
General Reading Level Key:
This is to be added to the first line of your review text. It is a general reading level key to be used for searching the reviews only. The reading interest level & Fry Scale are to be used to determine the actual levels of the books reviewed.
P.S.: Pre-school E.S.: Elementary School M.S.: Middle School H.S.: High School
For help or questions about using this wiki, please contact the wiki administrator
Comments (3)
Amy J. Kearns said
at 2:15 pm on May 29, 2009
Why are you no longer able to use spell-check?
cjrlcbookeval@... said
at 9:04 am on Jun 11, 2009
The new wiki format will not allow us to copy and paste from Word, we cannot devote enough man hours to edit everyone's reviews individually.
cjrlcbookeval@... said
at 12:35 pm on Mar 20, 2024
We're refreshing the wiki and deleting a few of the older pages. Keep an eye on the page for more changes as we refresh the information.
- Laura
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