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Review Submission Form

Page history last edited by cjrlcbookeval@... 5 months, 3 weeks ago


Please fill out the form below to submit your review.  It will be posted to the wiki within 1 week.



General Reading Level Key:

This is to be added to the first line of your review text.  It is a general reading level key to be used for searching the reviews only.  The reading interest level & Fry Scale are to be used to determine the actual levels of the books reviewed.

P.S.: Pre-school               E.S.: Elementary School              M.S.: Middle School               H.S.: High School





OR...Fill out the form on a separate web page.


Comments (2)

Anonymous said

at 12:02 pm on Jan 27, 2009

Sending this form to print crashes Firefox. If it is successful in printing, it takes three pages of paper only one of which is the actual review. This is so wasteful. If I create a review on the separate form on my desktop there is no way to send that form to the wiki, plus there is so much wasted space that this also takes more than one page.

cjrlcbookeval@... said

at 9:40 am on Jun 17, 2009

The only suggestion I can make is to copy the finished form into Word and print it from there. I would suggest that you try to build a form on word and paste it in the wiki. However with this latest upgrade of pbwiki I have encountered delays and crashes trying to paste from word as well.

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